Saturday, September 3, 2011

Manfrotto: Compact Series MKC3-H01

So it's been awhile since my last blog sorry, but I just had to rave about the new Manfrotto compact series tripod (MKC3-H01) I just bought for $50 at Best Buy. Can't go wrong with this deal. I managed to place my Canon 5D Mark II, battery grip, and 24-70mm lense and it was very stable. The I really like the ability to switch between camera and video mobility, but my favorite is the easy quick release position wheel. If you are photographing kids, products, portraits, or even street photographer, this is the best bang for your buck. And Manfrotto is the pretty much the most innovative leader in tripod and monopod products. Come on $50 for a Manfrotto, that's a deal.